Access Controls

Spool Ownership

The Master Spool Owner (The Spool DAO) can change the Spool (Vault) its owner, the Spool (Vault) owner themselves can also transfer ownership.

The Master Spool owner is the Spool DAO, by design it can transfer Spool (Vault) ownership to another address. There are multiple reasons for this. Most importantly to remove a bad actor as a Spool (Vault) owner (e.g. a Spool (Vault) owner could add vault incentive rewards that reverted, effectively bricking the Spool (Vault)).

Code Access Controls

In order for the Spool Ecosystem to work there's a subset of roles and owners that can alter state and hold certain privileges. A list of these access controls is compiled below:

Code Access Controls

In order for the Spool V2 Ecosystem to work there's a subset of roles and owners that can alter state and hold certain privileges. A list of these access controls is compiled below:

Role: SpoolAdmin (Spool DAO)

Who controls this role?

The Spool DAO Multisignature Wallet, which acts exclusively on the conclusion of Snapshot Votes.

Spool DAO Multisignature Wallet: 0x4e736b96920a0f305022CBaAea493Ce7e49Eee6C

  • The on-chain execution of Snapshot votes will be implemented.

  • This is the most powerful role in the Spool Ecosystem and as such should be the most protected.

  • These actions are not called often.

  • As the root role, every rolled action in the system is callable by it. The actions listed below are just the explicit actions listed for this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • whitelistAction: permit the use of an action on smart vaults.


  • allowToken: permit a token to be used in an AssetGroup for a smart vault.

  • allowTokenBatch: like allowToken, but for multiple tokens.

  • registerAssetGroup: permit a group of tokens (AssetGroup) to be used for a smart vault.


  • setExtraRewards: enable this strategy to collect extra rewards, if available.


  • forceRemoveReward: forcably remove a smart vault reward. Intended to be used in case a reward token ceases to work.

  • removeFromBlacklist: re-enable a previously removed reward.


  • setPositiveYieldLimit: For strategies where APY must be manually set by the DoHardWorker, set the maximum APY allowed to be set.

  • setNegativeYieldLimit: For strategies where APY must be manually set by the DoHardWorker, set the minimum APY allowed to be set.


  • setEmergencyWithdrawalWallet: set the wallet to which funds collected via the emergency withdraw procedure will go to.

  • registerStrategy: Following strategy deployment, adds the strategy to the system.

  • setEcosystemFee: Set the fee percentage for the ecosystem.

  • setEcosystemFeeReceiver: Set the address of the ecosystem.

  • setTreasuryFee: Set the fee percentage for the treasury.

  • setTreasuryFeeReceiver: Set the address of the treasury.


  • updateExchangeAllowlist: for strategies where the DoHardWorker must specify swap parameters, update the allowable exchanges for which we can swap funds.


  • setAsset: Sets an asset for which the system can use to get prices in USD.


  • recoverPendingDeposits: Sends pending deposits on a smart vault to the emergency withdrawal wallet, in the case of an issue with the smart vault.

  • removeStrategyFromVaults: remove a strategy from a set of specified vaults.

Role: Smart Vault Integrator

Who controls this role?

The owner of this role is the SmartVaultFactory contract. The roles here are to restrict the specified functions to the Smart Vault initialization phase. Grants permission to integrate a new smart vault into the Spool ecosystem.

What actions can this role take?


  • setActions: permit a smart vault to perform a set of actions. actions must be whitelisted.


  • setGuards: restrict a smart vault by a set of predefined guards.


  • setRiskTolerance: set the tolerance for risk on the smart vault. must be within prefined bounds.

  • setRiskProvider: set the address that can set risk on the smart vault.

  • setAllocationProvider: set the address that can update allocations on the smart vault.


  • registerSmartVault: Adds the smart vault to the system.


  • grantSmartVaultOwnership: give ownership of the smart vault to the specified account.

Role: Smart Vault Admin

Who controls this role?

  • The owner of the smart vault is initially granted this role.

Grants permission to

  • manage rewards on smart vaults,

  • manage roles on smart vaults,

  • redeem for another user of a smart vault.

What actions can this role take?


  • redeemFor: If the the owner has specified it at vault initialization, allows the owner to redeem on behalf of other users.


  • grantSmartVaultRole: allows vault admin to grant roles to other accounts on this smart vault.

  • revokeSmartVaultRole: allows vault admin to revoke roles for other accounts on this smart vault.

Role: Smart Vault Manager

Who controls this role?

Marks a contract as a smart vault manager; Is granted to the SmartVaultManager contract and the DepositManager contract.

What actions can this role take?


  • runActions: execute the predefined set of actions (with given context) on this smart vault.


  • depositAssets: during deposit phase, deposit assets to the smart vault.

  • recoverPendingDeposits: Sends pending deposits on a smart vault to the emergency withdrawal wallet, in the case of an issue with the smart vault.

  • flushSmartVault: flush smart vault deposits.

  • claimSmartVaultTokens: during redeem phase, claim user SVTs.

  • syncDeposits: during sync phase, ensures SVTs are minted relative to claimed SSTs.


  • mintVaultShares: mints SVTs to account.

  • burnVaultShares: burns SVTs from account.

  • burnNfts: burn Deposit/Withdraw NFT(s) from account.

  • claimShares: transfer SVTs to account.

  • mintDepositNFT: mint Deposit NFT to account.

  • mintWithdrawalNFT: mint Deposit NFT to account.

  • transferFromSpender: transfers SVT's from one account to another.


  • depositFast: During reallocation phase, deposit funds into this strategy.

  • claimShares: transfer SSTs from strategy to smart vault.

  • releaseShares: transfer SSTs from smart vault to strategy.

  • getUsdWorth: get the value in USD of the assets on the strategy.

  • redeemFast: withdraw funds, bypassing DHW stage.


  • removeStrategy: remove a strategy from the registry.

  • addDeposits: During flush phase, add the amounts to be deposited to the strategies.

  • addDeposits: During flush phase, add the amounts to be withdrawn from the strategies.

  • redeemFast: withdraw funds, bypassing DHW stage.

  • claimWithdrawals: Claims withdrawals from the strategies.


  • flushSmartVault: Flushes smart vaults deposits and withdrawals to the strategies.

  • claimWithdrawal: after redeem, allows user to claim their withdrawn amount.

  • syncWithdrawals: Syncs withdrawals between strategies and smart vault after doHardWorks.

  • redeem: Redeem smart vault shares, to be claimed after the next DHW cycle for this smart vault.

  • redeemFast: Instantly redeem smart vault shares and claim withdrawn amounts.

Role: Guard Allowlist Manager

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to manage allowlists with AllowlistGuard for a smart vault. SpoolAdmin is assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • addToAllowList: Add addresses to allowlist for a smart vault.

  • removeFromAllowList: Remove addresses from allowlist for a smart vault.

Role: Master Wallet Manager

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to manage assets on master wallet. contracts DepositManager, WithdrawalManager and StrategyRegistry are assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • transfer: allows caller to transfer amount of token stored on MasterWallet contract to recipient.

Role: Strategy Registry

Who controls this role?

Marks a contract as a strategy registry. Role assigned to the StrategyRegistry contract.

What actions can this role take?


  • redeemFast: withdraw funds, bypassing DHW stage.

  • redeemShares: Instantly redeems strategy shares for assets.

  • emergencyWithdraw: In the case of emergency, instantly withdraws assets, bypassing shares mechanism.

  • doHardWork: Does hard work: compounds rewards, and deposits/withdraws from the protocol

Role: Risk Provider

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to act as a risk provider. Should be granted to whoever is allowed to provide risk scores.

What actions can this role take?


  • setRiskProvider: set a risk provider for a smart vault.

  • setRiskScores: set risk scores for a set of strategies.


  • getSmartVaultAllocations: Calculate strategy allocations for a smart vault.

Role: Allocation Provider

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to act as an allocation provider. Should be granted to contracts that are allowed to calculate allocations.

What actions can this role take?


  • setAllocationProvider: Sets an allocation provider for a smart vault.


  • getSmartVaultAllocations: Calculate strategy allocations for a smart vault.

Role: Pauser

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to pause the system. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • pause: Pauses the whole system.


  • pause: Pauses claiming rewards.

Role: Unpauser

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to unpause the system. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • unpause: Unpauses the whole system.


  • unpause: Unpauses claiming rewards.

Role: Reward Pool Admin

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to manage the rewards payment pool. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • updateTreeRoot: Update the existing root for a given cycle.

  • addTreeRoot: Add a Merkle tree root for a new cycle.

Role: Reallocator

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to Grants permission to reallocate smart vaults. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • reallocate: Reallocates smart vaults; reassigns liquidity between vaults on the basis of risk scores.

Role: Strategy

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to be used as a strategy. Is assigned to each strategy as it is added to the system. Note: Generally this role is used as a check on different operations to tell if a strategy has been added to the system or not, rather than explicitly calling actions.

What actions can this role take?


  • swap: Performs a swap of tokens with external contracts from a strategy.

Role: Strategy Apy Setter

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to manually set strategy APY. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • setStrategyApy: manually sets the APY for a strategy.

Role: Strategy Role Admin

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to manage the Strategy role. StrategyRegistry is assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


grantRole: Can grant the Strategy role to an account.

Role: Smart Vault Allow Redeem

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to vault admins to allow redeem on behalf of other users. The admin for this vault is assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • redeemFor: Allows the owner to redeem on behalf of other users.

Role: Smart Vault Allow Redeem Role Admin

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to manage the Strategy role. SmartVaultFactory is assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • grantRole: Can grant the Smart Vault Allow Redeem role to an account.

Role: Do Hard Worker

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to run do hard work. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • doHardWork: Does hard work on multiple strategies.

Role: Emergency Withdrawal Executor

Who controls this role?

Grants permission to immediately withdraw assets in case of emergency. SpoolAdmin is initially assigned this role.

What actions can this role take?


  • emergencyWithdraw: Instantly withdraws assets from a strategy, bypassing shares mechanism.

Last updated