For Developers

The use cases for Spool for "Developers", defined as any participant that creates software that interacts with Spool either directly via the SDK or through Smart Contracts.

Developers and an easy to use SDK are the lifeblood of a continuous influx of integrations and growth. Spool has the following use cases that apply directly to Developers:

  • Software Development Kit: The Spool SDK allows easy "turn-key" incorporation into any application, website or integration.

  • Revenue through Fees: Developers routing new users to their own Spool Smart Vault collect a portion of the performance fee if they have set up a performance fee on the Vault they created.

  • Extensive Documentation: Spool is public source and has two sets of documentation to sift through. We went to extensive lengths to make integration an easy, painless, and stress-free process.

  • Strong Community Support: The Spool Community welcomes Developers and is happy to support participants working on Spool integration.

Last updated