Understanding the Buffer System

The Buffer System refers to the way Spool aggregates withdrawals and deposits. Let us make a comparison to understand the difference between regular protocols:

  • Regular Protocol:

    • Every user deposits for themselves

    • Every user withdraws for themselves

    • If deposits and withdrawals happen at the same time they don not "match" with each other, instead they act separately

    • Deposits/withdrawals are expensive

  • Spool with the Buffer System:

    • Every user deposits to the buffer

    • Every user withdraws from the buffer

    • If deposits and withdrawals happen at the same time they are matched with each other

    • Deposits and withdrawals to the protocol happen when the "DoHardWork()" function is called. Meaning: No user pays for the complexity of their deposit/withdrawal, so costs are split

The Spool Buffer System allows cheaper interactions with the Spool Protocol while ensuring no capital inefficiencies are suffered.

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