General and Configuration
Guards are configured and executed using GuardManager.sol.
Guards can only be configured at vault registration/creation
Definitions are persisted using @solmate/utils/SSTORE2.sol
Can be any “view” (read-only) function call - they are not allowed to change the state
Can dynamically resolve some parameters (e.g. SmartVault address, executor address, receiver address, asset owner address, depositing token addresses, etc.)
Can be configured to run at different points in the deposit/withdrawal process:
Deposit (user initiates deposit)
Withdrawal (user initiates redeem/fastRedeem)
BurnNFT (user burns deposit NFT)
TransferSVTs (user transfers his SVTs)
TransferNFT (user transfers his NFTs)
Spool will be launched with a generic whitelisting contract AllowlistGuard.sol
Smart Vault Administrators can add/remove addresses for their Vaults
Deposit executor whitelist
Deposit beneficiary whitelist
Deposit source assets owner whitelist
Deposit timelock (users can’t burn deposit NFT until a certain time has elapsed)
NFT gating (users are required to own a certain NFT to be eligible for entering a vault)
Actions are configured and executed using ActionManager.sol
Actions can only be configured at vault registration/creation
Actions can modify state
Only actions whitelisted by the Spool DAO can be used in Smart Vault creation
Actions have to implement the IAction interface.
Last updated