Voting on a Proposal

How to vote on a Spool Improvement Proposal.

In order to vote on a Spool Improvement Proposal (SIP), a user must follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Spool Snapshot Page

  2. Connect the wallet in which voSPOOL is being held

  3. Scroll through all available proposals and select which one you would like to vote on

    1. Proposals with the "Closed" tag on them are not open anymore for voting

  4. Click on the proposal on which you would like to vote and cast your vote

  5. Sign the vote with the connected wallet

Upon completing all these steps you have successfully partaken in Spool Governance.

Discussing a Spool Improvement Proposal

If you would like to have a discussion around an open SIP, please head over to the SIP Category in the Spool Governance Forum found here:

Becoming eligible to vote

In order to vote on SIPs, it is important that one accumulates voSPOOL in order to participate in Protocol Governance. Read more about accumulating voSPOOL here:

This page is still under construction, until voSPOOL Governance has been implemented.

Last updated