Vault Gating

Allowing for (optionable) customizable Vault Gates

Spool V1 simply lacked this functionality in full, so we will not draw a comparison here.

Vault Gating refers to the practice of adding a "Gate" to a vault. Simply put, setting a "Condition" that must be met prior to being able to deposit into a given Smart Vault. Before we dive further into the topic of "Vault Gating", it is important to understand that Gates are (like the entire Spool Protocol) Smart Contracts. Therefore, these Gates can not be changed after they have been set up. Gates are immutable to ensure that users can safely enter a Smart Vault without the conditions of depositing changing after they have successfully deposited.

Vault Creators can control who can participate in their Smart Vault by Gating a Vault with Entry or Exit Conditions.

Examples of an Entry Gate are:

  • NFT Gating

    • A Depositor into a Smart Vault must hold a certain NFT before they can deposit

  • Token Gating

    • A Depositor into a Smart Vault must hold a certain token (and a certain amount) before they deposit

  • KYC-Based Gating

    • A Depositor must complete KYC before they can participate in a given Smart Vault

  • Wallet Age Gating

    • An address attempting a deposit into a Smart Vault must have existed for X amount of time

  • Whitelist Gating

    • The Smart Vault Creator can select addresses which are allowed to deposit into their Smart Vault

  • Custom Gate

    • Gates are an additive feature and new gates can always be added upon request

An example of an "Exit-Condition" based Gate would be:

  • Time-lock Gate

    • When a user has deposited into a given Smart Vault, they must remain to be part of that Smart Vault for X amount of time

The gating feature has been heavily requested by institutional participants and is (much like any limiting feature in Spool) completely optional. Besides of Gates being optional, they are always communicated up-front and cannot be added to a given Smart Vault after its creation, which is an intricacy that protects the best interest of the end user.

Last updated