Mainnet (Ethereum)
A list of all Official Spool Ecosystem Contract Addresses on Ethereum.
All Contract Addresses on this page apply exclusively to the Ethereum Blockchain.
Spool DAO Treasury: 0xF6Bc2E3b1F939C435D9769D078a6e5048AaBD463
SPOOL Token: 0x40803cea2b2a32bda1be61d3604af6a814e70976
Uniswap SPOOL/DAI Liquidity Pool: 0xf3b675df63fb4889180d290a338fc15c0766fd64
Curve SPOOL/ETH Liquidity Pool: 0x66A0962628BdE82Cb3ddA560f05264407f187827
Strategy Contracts
Strategy Name | Contract Address |
Aave DAI | |
Aave USDC | |
Aave USDT | |
Compound DAI | |
Compound USDC | |
Compound USDT | |
Convex 3Pool | |
Convex AlUSD | |
Curve 3Pool | |
Frax ETH | |
Lido ETH | |
Morpho Aave DAI | |
Morpho Aave USDC | |
Morpho Aave USDT | |
Morpho Compound DAI | |
Morpho Compound USDC | |
Morpho Compound USDT | |
Notional DAI | |
Notional USDC | |
RocketPool ETH | |
Yearn DAI | |
Yearn USDC | |
Yearn USDT |
Spool Core Contracts
Contract Name | Contract Address |
ActionManager | |
AllowlistGuard | |
AssetGroupRegistry | |
DepositManager | |
DepositSwap | |
ExponentialAllocationProvider | |
GhostStrategy | |
GuardManager | |
LinearAllocationProvider | |
MasterWallet | |
ProxyAdmin | |
RewardManager | |
RiskManager | |
SmartVaultFactory | |
SmartVaultManager | |
SpoolAccessControl | |
SpoolLens | |
StrategyRegistry | |
Swapper | |
UniformAllocationProvider | |
UsdPriceFeedManager | |
WithdrawalManager |
Voting and Staking Contracts
Contract Name | Contract Address |
Reward Distributor | |
SPOOL Staking | |
voSPOOL Rewards | |
voSPOOL Token | |
PreDAO Vesting | |
Spool Builders Vesting |
Last updated