Creating a Proposal
How to create a Spool Improvement Proposal and present it to the DAO.
In order to create a Spool Improvement Proposal (SIP), a SPOOL (voSPOOL) Token Holder needs to follow the steps listed on this page.
Temperature Check
Before submitting a SIP, a user must complete a temperature check in the Spool DAO Discord. The Discord can be found here:
Make sure to use the appropriate Temperature Check Channel. Keep in mind that this is not a race, allow for a minimum of three (3) days of discussion in the Temperature Check Channel before you commence the next steps.
Submitting a Spool Improvement Proposal
After completing the Temperature Check listed in the first paragraph on this page, the user can commence with creating an SIP. Any Spool Improvement Proposal must meet the following requirements:
The SIP must have a concise title without containing any numbers
The Spool Forum Moderators will add a number to a SIP once the voting starts
Add an understandable explanation in the SIP
A non-tech-heavy description
"Explain-it-like-I-am-5-years-old" style
Add an abstract of what will be done if the SIP is implemented
The abstract must not exceed 200 words in total
Add a motivation to the SIP
The motivation can be as long as required by the user
The motivation can contain links
The motivation can contain references
Add specifications or a glossary if necessary
Formulate a clear list of:
"For" positions (points that agree with the proposal)
"Against" positions (points that disagree with the proposal)
Include a submission period
This period must be a minimum of three (3) days
Include a proposed voting period
This period must be a minimum of five (5) days
Forum Administrators will put an SIP on Snapshot, which opens voting
Please allow for a minimum of three (3) days of extended discussion before expecting the administrators to move the SIP to Snapshot
Becoming eligible to submit an SIP
In order to submit an SIP, it is important that one accumulates voSPOOL to be allowed to participate in Protocol Governance. Read more about accumulating voSPOOL here:
Acquiring voSPOOLLast updated