Mainnet (Outdated, V1)

All Contract Addresses on this page apply exclusively to the Ethereum Blockchain.

Spool DAO Treasury: 0xF6Bc2E3b1F939C435D9769D078a6e5048AaBD463

SPOOL Token: 0x40803cea2b2a32bda1be61d3604af6a814e70976

Uniswap SPOOL/DAI Liquidity Pool: 0xf3b675df63fb4889180d290a338fc15c0766fd64

Uniswap SPOOL/ETH Liquidity Pool: 0xff56c88ad4f68da509f4e487fae70521e5761a4b

Strategy Contracts

Spool Core Contracts

Voting and Staking Contracts

Genesis Spool Vaults Contract Addresses

Direct Query Contract Addresses

If one is to query some of the Strategies via the Main Spool Contract and the get an error in response, then the following Contract Addresses should be used.

All invoked code is found in the list above, these are just for directly querying them in the Main Spool Contract through the registry.

The above four contracts can be used as parameters to query the Strategies and therefore do not have an Etherscan link attached to them.

Last updated