For Advanced DeFi Users
The use cases for Spool for "Advanced DeFi Users", defined as any user that has extensive experience using DeFi products and protocols.
For users that are very familiar with DeFi and farming protocols, the following use cases are applicable:
Automatic Compounding: A user that creates a Spool Smart Vault consisting of a single protocol will effectively create an automatic compounding strategy, for whatever Yield Generator he or she wants!
Complicated Risk Strategies: A user who is well aware of the associated risks of protocols can participate in multiple Smart Vaults and create a portfolio that closely resembles their opinion about different protocols and associated risks.
Custom Smart Vaults: Much like a Capital Aggregators, Advanced DeFi Users can easily create their own Smart Vault, select the yield generators they want to include, select a fitting Risk Model and pick their preferred Risk Appetite to start farming under their own terms!
To Be Explored: There are many more complex strategies that Spool supports and we are excited for what the community comes up with.
Social Farming: On boarding your friends into the world of yield farming can be challenging. With Spool, an advanced user can create his own Spool Smart Vault and conveniently have his or her friends participate under the same terms.
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