Management Fees

The inclusion of custom (optional) management fees for Vault Creators

Spool V1 had no flexibility when it came to fees. Fees were charged over performance and set by the Vault Creator. Fees in Spool V1 cannot be changed after being set for a given Smart Vault.

Spool V2 expands on this concept while retaining the core values of user-facing security and protection set out by Spool. In Spool V2 all fees are set during the Smart Vault creation and cannot be changed once a Smart Vault is deployed and "open to the public".

Upon very popular request from professional parties, the Spool DAO realized that adding (optional) management fees allows professionals and institutions to offer unique products to their clients through Spool, while maintaining a baseline ROI for themselves.

Management fees are a new, optional, feature in V2 allowing Smart Vault Creators to charge a continuous fee for maintaining a given Smart Vault.

Last updated